I am trying to enable or disable Wifi from Unity on my Android device.
I tried to do the different things I found on the forum without success.
If I do:
using(var unityPlayer = new AndroidJavaClass("com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer")) {
string wifiServiceName = unityPlayer.Get("WIFI_SERVICE");
using(var wifiManager = unityPlayer.Call("getSystemService", wifiServiceName))
wifiManager.Call("setWifiEnabled", false);
} }
I have an error saying that WIFI_SERVICE doesn't exist.
If I do:
using (AndroidJavaObject activity = new AndroidJavaClass("com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer").GetStatic("currentActivity"))
using (var wifiManager = activity.Call("getSystemService","wifi"))
wifiManager.Call("setWifiEnabled", false);
I have an error saying that setWifiEnabled is not a function, (nor a static function if I do CallStatic).
I have my manifest.xml correctly merged, I can check that I have all the permissions on the application manager.
I spent few hours trying to figure out how to do that and I am stuck!
Does anyone know a simple way to do so?
Thanks a lot for your help,